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Adobe Premiere Pro Fundamentals Virtual Classroom Live September 03, 2024

Price: $700

This course runs for a duration of 2 Days.

The class will run daily from 10:00 AM EST to 5:00 PM EST.

Class Location: Virtual LIVE Instructor Led - Virtual Live Classroom.

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This is the introductory level of our Adobe Premiere Pro classes. This course teaches you the essentials of digital video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro in two days of intensive hands-on training. You learn how to use the interface and editing tools for producing broadcast-quality movies used for video, multimedia, and the Web.

What you’ll learn in this training course:

  • Learn digital video basics: the foundations for capturing and editing video • Understand the Premiere Pro tools, timeline, and workspace • Learn to edit clips in Premiere Pro • Discover how to apply titles and work with imported graphics in Premiere Pro • Learn to use Premiere Pro to work with green screen footage • Find out how to apply effects within Premiere Pro • Understand the audio editing controls of Premiere Pro • Learn to export video from Premiere Pro for your specific needs


Course Overview

Understanding digital video: foundations for Premiere Pro editing

  • Understanding video settings
  • Input & output formats
  • Dimensions, framerate and pixel aspect ratio
  • Online and social media video standards
  • Understanding timecode

Learning the Premiere Pro interface 

  • Understanding the default workspaces
  • Switching and resetting Premiere Pro workspaces
  • Working with Premiere Pro panels 
  • Understanding the application tools
  • Setting application preferences
  • Appearance & memory
  • Using the project panel
  • Understanding media management & creating and organizing bins
  • Using the media browser panel
  • Previewing clips: hover scrub vs source monitor
  • Transcoding video
  • Locating missing media in Premiere Pro: where it is located and what it is named

Learning to edit clips in the Premiere Pro timeline   

  • The cuts-only editing methodology: continuity editing
  • A Roll vs. B Roll
  • Cut-ins and cut-aways; cutting on action
  • Working with multiple video tracks
  • Adding and deleting tracks
  • Renaming tracks
  • Trimming clips in the Premiere Pro source monitor
  • Adding clips to the timeline
  • Making insert and overwrite edits
  • Using the timeline editing tools
  • Markers: timeline vs clip

Using video & audio transitions in Premiere Pro

  • Understandi​ng transitions
  • Adding transitions to video clips
  • Preparing a clip to receive transitions
  • Editing transition settings
  • Adding an audio transition

Learning to use Premiere Pro graphics

  • Understanding the uses of titles in video
  • Creating graphic clips in Premiere Pro
  • Adding images to a graphic clip
  • Using the legacy titler
  • Creating an end credit roll
  • Controlling the speed of a rolling title
  • Working with graphic clips on the timeline
  • Creating a graphics template

Working with imported graphics in Premiere Pro

  • Working with Photoshop  and Illustrator Files in Premiere Pro
  • Importing layered Photoshop files into Premiere Pro projects
  • Understanding and animating static clip effects
  • Understanding position, scale, rotation and opacity with Premiere Pro
  • Using Premiere Pro to add transitions and effects to images

Using Premiere Pro Video Effects

  • Understanding video effects in Premiere Pro
  • Animating static clip effects
  • Adjusting position, scale, rotation, and opacity for video in Premiere Pro
  • Applying Premiere pro video effects to clips
  • Understanding the Premiere Pro timeline vs project panel

Using greenscreen footage in Premiere Pro

  • Creating a garbage matte in Premiere Pro
  • Working with the ultra keyer

Learning to stabilize shaky footage with Premiere

  • Evaluating shaky footage
  • Using the warp stabilizer

Introduction to Premiere Pro audio editing

  • Understanding clip audio
  • Working with various audio types including standard, mono, and 5.1 audio
  • Using the essential audio panel
  • Assigning audio clip types in Premiere
  • Animating clip volume

Outputting video from Premiere Pro

  • Exporting video from Premiere Pro
  • Understanding Adobe Media Encoder export from Premiere Pro
  • Exporting video directly from Premiere Pro
  • Exporting video from Premiere Pro for social media (facebook, twitter, etc.) & Mobile Devices
  • Exporting video from Premiere Pro for desktop and broadband distribution
  • Understanding video file settings including video dimensions, formats and codecs, bit-rate, frame rate, aspect ratio when exporting from Premiere Pro.


We recommend that you have the Adobe Premiere software before starting the class. You can purchase the software or obtain a trial version of it at from the Adobe website.

This introductory Premiere Pro training course is designed for those who need to use Premiere Pro professionally, No previous experience with Premiere Pro or digital video is required. Those with previous digital video experience but no formal training will also benefit from this course, as it provides a solid foundation for working efficiently with digital video