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Introduction to Python 3 Programming (Practical Programming for Beginners) Virtual Classroom Live December 30, 2024

Price: $2,000

This course runs for a duration of 3 days.

The class will run daily from 10:00 AM EST to 6:00 PM EST.

Class Location: Virtual LIVE Instructor Led - Virtual Live Classroom.

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Python is a ubiquitous programming language used in many fields, including machine learning, data engineering, systems administration, and science. This intensive three-day course immerses students in high-octane learning of the Python programming language and its popular modules, teaching the students the necessary survival skills of using this simple yet versatile and powerful language.


  • Developers and Data Analysts

Skills Gained

  • Understand the foundational principles of Python syntax, data types, and expressions
  • Explore the various tools and environments for running Python code, including shells, REPLs, and Jupyter notebooks
  • Gain proficiency in defining and manipulating variables, control flow statements, and data structures like lists, dictionaries, and sets
  • Build functions with confidence leveraging techniques like parameter passing, recursion, and higher-order functions
  • Access and implement functionalities from essential Python modules for file handling, random numbers, regular expressions, and more
  • Apply your Python skills to practical exercises and lab challenges, tackling real-world scenarios with code
  • Foster a creative problem-solving mindset, leveraging Python as a powerful tool for automation, data analysis, and building impactful applications

Course Overview

Python 3 Introduction

  • What is Python?
  • Python Documentation
  • Where Can I Use Python?
  • Which version of Python am I running?
  • Running Python Programs
  • Python Shell
  • Dev Tools and REPLs
  • IPython
  • Jupyter
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • The Anaconda Python Distribution

Python Variables and Types

  • Variables and Types
  • More on Variables
  • Assigning Multiple Values to Multiple Variables
  • More on Types
  • Variable Scopes
  • The Layout of Python Programs
  • Comments and Triple-Delimited String Literals
  • Sample Python Code
  • PEP8
  • Getting Help on Python Objects
  • Null (None)
  • Strings
  • Finding Index of a Substring
  • String Splitting
  • Raw String Literals
  • String Formatting and Interpolation
  • String Public Method Names
  • The Boolean Type
  • Boolean Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Numbers
  • "Easy Numbers"
  • Looking Up the Runtime Type of a Variable
  • Divisions
  • Assignment-with-Operation
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • Dates and Times
  • Hands-On Exercise

Control Statements and Data Collections

  • Control Flow with The if-elif-else Triad
  • An if-elif-else Example
  • Conditional Expressions (a.k.a. Ternary Operator)
  • The While-Break-Continue Triad
  • The for Loop
  • The range() Function
  • Examples of Using range()
  • The try-except-finally Construct
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • The assert Expression
  • Lists
  • Main List Methods
  • List Comprehension
  • Zipping Lists
  • Enumerate
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • Dictionaries
  • Working with Dictionaries
  • Other Dictionary Methods
  • Sets
  • Set Methods
  • Set Operations
  • Set Operations Examples
  • Finding Unique Elements in a List
  • Common Collection Functions and Operators
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • Tuples
  • Unpacking Tuples
  • Hands-On Exercise

Functions and Modules

  • Built-in Functions
  • Functions
  • The "Call by Sharing" Parameter Passing
  • Global and Local Variable Scopes
  • Default Parameters
  • Named Parameters
  • Dealing with Arbitrary Number of Parameters
  • Keyword Function Parameters
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • What is Functional Programming (FP)?
  • Concept: Pure Functions
  • Concept: Recursion
  • Concept: Higher-Order Functions
  • Lambda Functions in Python
  • Examples of Using Lambdas
  • Lambdas in the Sorted Function
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • Python Modules
  • Importing Modules
  • Installing Modules
  • Listing Methods in a Module
  • Creating Your Own Modules
  • Creating a Module's Entry Point

Working with File I/O and Useful Modules

  • Reading Command-Line Parameters
  • Hands-On Exercise (N/A in DCC)
  • Working with Files
  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • Random Numbers
  • Hands-On Exercise
  • Regular Expressions
  • The re Object Methods
  • Using Regular Expressions Examples

Lab Exercises

  • Lab 1. Understanding Jupyter Notebooks
  • Lab 2. Python Variables
  • Lab 3. Dates and Times
  • Lab 4. The if, for, and try Constructs
  • Lab 5. Understanding Lists
  • Lab 6. Dictionaries
  • Lab 7. Sets
  • Lab 8. Tuples
  • Lab 9. Functions
  • Lab 10. Functional Programming
  • Lab 11. Reading Command-Line Parameters
  • Lab 12. File I/O
  • Lab 13. Using HTTP and JSON
  • Lab 14. Random Numbers
  • Lab 15. Regular Expressions


Other Available Dates for this Course

Virtual Classroom Live
November 04, 2024

3 days    10 AM ET - 6 PM ET
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Virtual Classroom Live
November 18, 2024

3 days    10:00 AM EST - 6:00 PM EST
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Virtual Classroom Live
December 09, 2024

3 days    10:00 AM EST - 6:00 PM EST
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Virtual Classroom Live
January 20, 2025

3 days    10:00 AM EST - 6:00 PM EST
view class details and enroll
Virtual Classroom Live
February 10, 2025

3 days    10:00 AM EST - 6:00 PM EST
view class details and enroll