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Spring Boot Training Virtual Classroom Live January 27, 2025

Price: $1,400

This course runs for a duration of 2 Days.

The class will run daily from 10:00 AM EST to 6:00 PM EST.

Class Location: Virtual LIVE Instructor Led - Virtual Live Classroom.

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This course provides an introduction to Spring Boot, the features the project provides, and some of the most common ways it is used.  Upon completion of the Spring Boot Training, students will know how to utilize Spring Boot to rapidly define, configure, and add features to Spring applications using Spring Boot.

Our Spring Boot course provides an introduction to Spring Boot, the features the project provides, and some of the most common ways it is used. Upon completion of the Spring Boot Training, students will know how to utilize Spring Boot to rapidly define, configure, and add features to Spring applications using Spring Boot.

This Spring Boot Training provides an introduction to Spring Boot Application development, the features the project provides, and some of the most common ways it is used. Upon completion of the course, students will know how to utilize Spring Boot to rapidly define, configure, and add features to Spring applications using Spring Boot.

In this course, attendees will learn how to:

  • Develop Spring web applications with Spring MVC
  • Understand the features of the Spring Boot project
  • Use Spring Boot to create and configure a Spring application
  • Customize Spring Boot features
  • Develop REST web services with Spring Boot
  • Utilize various Spring database support including Spring Data
  • Secure an application with Spring Security
  • Use JMS support of Spring

Our Spring Boot course continues to be in high demand. The topics covered in the course are

  • Spring framework configuration
  • Introduction to Spring Bot
  • Spring MVC
  • Overview of Spring Database integration
  • Using Spring with JPA or Hibernate
  • Spring REST services
  • Spring security
  • Spring JMS

Spring MVC Training can be delivered in traditional classroom style format. Web Age Spring MVC Training can also be delivered in a synchronous instructor-led format.

This Spring Boot Training provides an introduction to Spring Boot, the features the project provides, and some of the most common ways it is used.  Upon completion of the course, students will know how to utilize Spring Boot to rapidly define, configure, and add features to Spring applications using Spring Boot.


Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Develop Spring web applications with Spring MVC
  • Understand the features of the Spring Boot project
  • Use Spring Boot to create and configure a Spring application
  • Customize Spring Boot features
  • Develop REST web services with Spring Boot
  • Utilize various Spring database support including Spring Data
  • Secure an application with Spring Security
  • Use JMS support of Spring


  • Spring MVC Primer
  • Spring Boot Introduction
  • Developing Web Applications
  • Customization
  • REST Web Services with Spring
  • Spring Database Support
  • Securing an Application
  • JMS Services


Software designers, developers and programmers.

Course Overview


Chapter 1. Spring Framework Configuration

  • Java @Configuration Classes
  • Defining @Configuration Classes
  • Loading @Configuration Classes
  • Modularizing @Configuration Classes
  • Qualifying @Bean Methods
  • Trouble with Prototype Scope
  • Configuration with Spring Expression Language
  • Resolving Text Messages
  • Spring Property Conversion
  • Spring Converter Interface
  • Using Custom Converters
  • Spring PropertyEditors
  • Registering Custom PropertyEditors
  • Summary

Chapter 2. Introduction to Spring Boot

  • What is Spring Boot?
  • Spring Framework
  • How is Spring Boot Related to Spring Framework?
  • Spring Boot 2
  • Spring Boot Main Features
  • Spring Boot on the PaaS
  • Understanding Java Annotations
  • Spring MVC Annotations
  • Example of Spring MVC-based RESTful Web Service
  • Spring Booting Your RESTful Web Service
  • Spring Boot Skeletal Application Example
  • Converting a Spring Boot Application to a WAR File
  • Externalized Configuration
  • Starters
  • Maven - The 'pom.xml' File
  • Spring Boot Maven Plugin
  • Gradle - The 'build.gradle' File
  • Spring Boot Maven Plugin
  • HOWTO: Create a Spring Boot Application
  • Summary

Chapter 3. Spring MVC

  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Web Modules
  • Spring MVC Components
  • DispatcherServlet
  • Spring WebFlux Module
  • Spring WebFlux
  • Template Engines
  • Spring Boot MVC Example
  • Spring MVC Mapping of Requests
  • Advanced @RequestMapping
  • Composed Request Mappings
  • Spring MVC Annotation Controllers
  • Controller Handler Method Parameters
  • Controller Handler Method Return Types
  • View Resolution
  • Spring Boot Considerations
  • Summary

Chapter 4. Overview of Spring Boot Database Integration

  • DAO Support in Spring
  • Spring Data Access Modules
  • Spring JDBC Module
  • Spring ORM Module
  • DataAccessException
  • @Repository Annotation
  • Using DataSources
  • DAO Templates
  • DAO Templates and Callbacks
  • ORM Tool Support in Spring
  • Summary

Chapter 5. Using Spring with JPA or Hibernate

  • Spring JPA
  • Benefits of Using Spring with ORM
  • Spring @Repository
  • Using JPA with Spring
  • Configure Spring Boot JPA EntityManagerFactory
  • Application JPA Code
  • "Classic" Spring ORM Usage
  • Spring JpaTemplate
  • Spring JpaCallback
  • JpaTemplate Convenience Features
  • Spring Boot Considerations
  • Spring Data JPA Repositories
  • Database Schema Migration
  • Database Schema Migration for CI/CD using Liquibase
  • How Liquibase Works?
  • Changelogs in Liquibase
  • Preconditions in Changelogs
  • Sample Empty Changelog
  • Sample Precondition in Changelog
  • Sample Changeset in Changelog
  • Running Liquibase
  • Liquibase Commands
  • Summary

Chapter 6. Spring REST Services

  • Many Flavors of Services
  • Understanding REST
  • RESTful Services
  • REST Resource Examples
  • @RestController Annotation
  • Implementing JAX-RS Services and Spring
  • JAX-RS Annotations
  • Java Clients Using RestTemplate
  • RestTemplate Methods
  • Summary

Chapter 7. Spring Security

  • Securing Web Applications with Spring Boot 2
  • Spring Security
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Programmatic vs Declarative Security
  • Getting Spring Security Gradle or Maven
  • Spring Security Configuration
  • Spring Security Configuration Example
  • Authentication Manager
  • Using Database User Authentication
  • LDAP Authentication
  • What is Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)?
  • What is a SAML Provider?
  • Spring SAML2.0 Web SSO Authentication
  • Setting Up an SSO Provider
  • Adding SAML Dependencies to a Project
  • Dealing with the State
  • How Can I Maintain State?
  • SAML vs. OAuth2
  • OAuth2 Overview
  • OAuth – Facebook Sample Flow
  • OAuth Versions
  • OAuth2 Components
  • OAuth2 – End Points
  • OAuth2 – Tokens
  • OAuth – Grants
  • Authenticating Against an OAuth2 API
  • OAuth2 using Spring Boot – Dependencies
  • OAuth2 using Spring Boot – application.yml
  • OAuth2 using Spring Boot – Main Class
  • OAuth2 using Spring Boot – SPA Client
  • JSON Web Tokens
  • JSON Web Token Architecture
  • How JWT Works
  • JWT Header
  • JWT Payload
  • JWT Example Payload
  • JWT Example Signature
  • How JWT Tokens are Used
  • Adding JWT to HTTP Header
  • How The Server Makes Use of JWT Tokens
  • What are “Scopes”?
  • JWT with Spring Boot – Dependencies
  • JWT with Spring Boot – Main Class
  • Summary

Chapter 8. Spring JMS

  • Spring JMS
  • JmsTemplate
  • Connection and Destination
  • JmsTemplate Configuration
  • Transaction Management
  • Example Transaction Configuration
  • Producer Example
  • Consumer Example
  • Converting Messages
  • Message Listener Containers
  • Message-Driven POJO's Async Receiver Example
  • Message-Driven POJO's Async Receiver Configuration
  • Spring Boot Considerations
  • Summary

Lab Exercises

Lab 1. A Simple RESTful API in Spring Boot
Lab 2. Use the Spring Web MVC Web Framework under Spring Boot
Lab 3. Use the Spring JDBCTemplate under Spring Boot
Lab 4. Use the Spring Data JPA under Spring Boot
Lab 5. Create a RESTful API with Spring Boot
Lab 6. Enable Basic Security
Lab 7. Use AMQP Messaging with Spring Boot


To succeed fully in this course, students should be able to:

  • Program Java applications - Course KT-2494
  • Understand basic Spring applications - Course KT-2385  meets this requirement

Other Available Dates for this Course

Virtual Classroom Live
November 04, 2024

2 Days    10:00 AM EST - 6:00 PM EST
view class details and enroll
Virtual Classroom Live
December 16, 2024

2 Days    10:00 AM EST - 6:00 PM EST
view class details and enroll