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CCSP Cloud Certification Security Professional Prep Course (ISC2)

5 Days


This (ISC)² Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certification training course provides a thorough understanding of the information security risks and mitigation strategies critical to data security in the cloud. This course covers the six domains of the Official (ISC)² CCSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK®), and prepares you to pass the CCSP exam and become a Certified Cloud Security Professional.

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Key Features of this CCSP Certification Training:

  • (ISC)² exam voucher included in course tuition
  • Learning Tree end-of-course exam included

You Will Learn How To:

  • Identify and explain the five characteristics required to satisfy the NIST definition of cloud computing
  • Differentiate between various as-a-service delivery models and frameworks that are incorporated into the cloud computing reference architecture
  • Explain strategies for protecting data at rest and data in motion
  • Discuss strategies for safeguarding data, classifying data, ensuring privacy, assuring compliance with regulatory agencies, and working with authorities during legal investigations
  • Contrast between forensic analysis in corporate data center and cloud computing environments

No Upcoming Public Classes

There are currently no public events available for this course. However, you can submit a request for a new date and we will try our best to get you into a CCSP Cloud Certification Security Professional Prep Course (ISC2) class.

Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
request a private session or new date

Course Overview

Domain 1: Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design

  • 1.1 Understand cloud computing concepts
  • 1.2 Describe cloud reference architecture
  • 1.3 Understand security concepts relevant to cloud computing
  • 1.4 Understand design principles of secure cloud computing
  • 1.5 Evaluate cloud service providers

Domain 2: Cloud Data Security

  • 2.1 Describe cloud data concepts
  • 2.2 Design and implement cloud data storage architectures
  • 2.3 Design and apply data security technologies and strategies
  • 2.4 Implement data discovery
  • 2.5 Plan and implement data classification
  • 2.6 Design and implement Information Rights Management (IRM)
  • 2.7 Plan and implement data retention, deletion, and archiving policies
  • 2.8 Design and implement auditability, traceability, and accountability of data events

Domain 3: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security

  • 3.1 Comprehend cloud infrastructure and platform components
  • 3.2 Design a secure data center
  • 3.3 Analyze risks associated with cloud infrastructure and platforms
  • 3.4 Plan and implementation of security controls
  • 3.5 Plan business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR)

Domain 4: Cloud Application Security

  • 4.1 Advocate training and awareness for application security
  • 4.2 Describe the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process
  • 4.3 Apply the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • 4.4 Apply cloud software assurance and validation
  • 4.5 Use verified secure software
  • 4.6 Comprehend the specifics of cloud application architecture
  • 4.7 Design an appropriate identity and access management (IAM) solution

Domain 5: Cloud Security Operations

  • 5.1 Build and implement physical and logical infrastructure for the cloud environment
  • 5.2 Operate and maintain physical and logical infrastructure for cloud environment
  • 5.3 Implement operational controls and standards
  • 5.4 Support digital forensics
  • 5.5 Manage communication with relevant parties
  • 5.6 Manage security operations

Domain 6: Legal, Risk, and Compliance

  • 6.1 Articulate legal requirements and unique risks within the cloud environment
  • 6.2 Understand privacy issues
  • 6.3 Understand audit process, methodologies, and required adaptations for a cloud environment
  • 6.4 Understand implications of cloud to enterprise risk management
  • 6.5 Understand outsourcing and cloud contract design

No Upcoming Public Classes

There are currently no public events available for this course. However, you can submit a request for a new date and we will try our best to get you into a CCSP Cloud Certification Security Professional Prep Course (ISC2) class.

Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
request a private session or new date


To qualify for this cybersecurity certification, you must pass the exam and have at least five years of cumulative, paid work experience in information technology, of which three years must be in information security, and one year in one or more of the six domains of the (ISC)² CCSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK).

No Upcoming Public Classes

There are currently no public events available for this course. However, you can submit a request for a new date and we will try our best to get you into a CCSP Cloud Certification Security Professional Prep Course (ISC2) class.

Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
request a private session or new date